Authorise to be your Mortgage advisor

By filling out and signing the below form, you’ll give permission for to be your authorised Adviser so it can collate all your insurance details. If you have joint partner policies or your partner would also like their adviser to be, you can have them sign below as well.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Partner Details
If the home loan is in Joint names then , please tick YES below and enter the joint borrowers details in the section below:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Home Loan

Please provide details of your existing home loan.

Authority to investigate as Mortgage Adviser

I/We give authority to and its authorized representatives to investigate the above home loan. I authorise pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act 2020 ( or any successor legislation) (the Privacy Act) and all other applicable to contact my/our Lender to obtain, check, disclose or exchange information for the purposes of acting as our Authorised Adviser.

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